It’s Monday morning and you’ve just opened up your laptop, ready to start the week with a bang. But where do you begin?
Your Instagram feed is filled with new posts from people you follow, desperately waiting for your comments and likes so you can build rapport and hopefully get a follow back. Facebook is pinging you with new notifications every few minutes that you can’t ignore for fear of missing out on the action. And your Inbox is filled with the latest and greatest marketing strategies that you absolutely cannot ignore if you want to be a successful business owner.
All the while, you’re still struggling to fill your program or sell your product, and actually make some money out of your business.
So where do you begin?
Here’s the thing…
So often we get caught up in all the small tasks that make us feel like we’re doing the work, but really, they’re just a convenient distraction from the real work we’re meant to be doing.
Like scrolling through Instagram and following, liking and commenting on other people’s posts with the hope they might follow you back (and not unfollow you within a few days). Or listening to a podcast about the next big thing to market your business and then dropping everything to implement that new strategy in your business.
At the end of the day, these things aren’t getting you any closer to your goals.
If you’re finding yourself conveniently distracted with ‘all the things’ that make you feel busy, but you’re struggling to see results, ask yourself:
What is it I am really here to do? What are my bigger vision, mission, and goals? And what can I do today to create what I truly desire?
For me, my mission is to attract female entrepreneurs who:
- are already generating over $100k revenue per year
- know they’re ready to step into their fullest potential in their business
- want to have a bigger impact (with less stress).
Will liking and following other business coaches on Instagram get me there? No. But will reaching out to past clients and contacts about my services help? Hell yes!
When you stay focused on your vision, mission and goals, it becomes a lot clearer, day by day, what is in alignment, and what is not.
So, ask yourself, what aligned actions do you need to take TODAY to get you closer to your real goals?
Much Love,