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Have you ever wondered why you feel really energised about your work some days, but other days, you simply want to curl up under your bedcovers and retreat from the world? Or maybe some weeks, it feels like everything in your business is growing abundantly, but other weeks, you just want to tear everything down and start over?
If you’re anything like me (and most other entrepreneurs), you’ve probably tried to push through, keep producing, and hustle, hustle, hustle, even when it felt like you were hitting a brick wall. Even when your body, mind and spirit were crying out for rest. Because that’s what we’ve been told for so long – if we want to be successful as entrepreneurs and build a thriving business, we need to hustle and grind, 24/7.
What if I told you that it doesn’t have to be this way? Imagine for just a moment that you could create an abundant, profitable business without living on the edge of exhaustion and burnout. What if you could actually enjoy your next big launch in a state of joy, ease and flow?
Well, using the power and potency of the lunar cycles, you can. And in this podcast episode, I show you how.
Welcome to the Intuitive Entrepreneur podcast. I'm your host, Brigit Esselmont, Intuitive Business strategist and mentor. As the founder of Biddy Tarot, I turned my love for Tarot into an abundant seven figure business. The secret to my success? Making intuition and strategy, my entrepreneurial superpower. Now I'm inviting you to do the same. In this weekly podcast I'll be sharing advice, tools and real life examples from some of the best intuitive entrepreneurs. To show you how you can trust your intuition, align with your purpose and create a positive impact through your work. Let's make it happen.
Hello and welcome back to the Intuitive Entrepreneur podcast. Super excited to have you here on this bonus episode. Now in our last interview we heard how Being Boss Co-founder Emily Thompson aligns her business with the seasons of the year. She is typically more busy and active in summer. By fall or autumn, she's starting to reap the rewards and go through that harvest process. Winter is about bunkering down, taking rest and allowing herself to really ruminate on what's coming next, and then spring is when those new ideas start to come in into play.
Now, today I want to share with you another cycle that can also amplify your business results, especially when launching. Have you ever wondered why you can feel really energized about your work some days, but then other days you just want to curl up under your bed covers and completely retreat from the world. Or maybe there's those weeks when you feel like everything is growing abundantly and the energy is in flow and then just another week later and it feels like you're stressed out or you're in panic mode or you just want to completely tear everything down and start over again. So if you're anything like me and most other entrepreneurs, then you've probably tried to keep pushing through these times. You felt it come up, but you've been like, no, I've got to get this done. I've got to keep producing. I've got to hustle, hustle, hustle.
Even though you feel like you're hitting a brick wall every time that you keep trying to push. Even when like things like your body, your mind, your spirit, are crying out for rest. That's because we've been told for so long that if you want to be successful as an entrepreneur and build a thriving business, you got to hustle and grind 24/7. But what if I told you it doesn't have to be this way? Imagine for just a moment that you could create an abundant, profitable business without having to live on that edge of exhaustion and burnout. What if you could actually enjoy that next big launch in a state of joy, ease and flow? Well, today I'm going to be talking about the lunar cycles because with the potency and the power of the lunar cycles, you can be in flow, especially when it comes to launching something in your business.
When we work with the cycles of the moon, we create a lot more flow and a lot more ease in our lives. There's less driving and more thriving and we no longer need to push or force our way forward, and instead of working so hard to push against those natural flows of the moon, we start to switch more into receiving mode and flowing in harmony with nature. Here's the thing you don't always have to be on in order to be successful and get big things done. In fact, it's actually not healthy or natural and could even be a barrier to the ultimate success of your launch. If you're totally depleted after launching a new project or an offer, you're not going to be able to show up and serve at your best when it's out in the world, and you'll hear it from many of the entrepreneurs that I speak to in this podcast, many of them have experienced that feeling of exhaustion and burnout.
That's the stuff that we want to avoid. Now, using things like the lunar cycles, it allows you to recharge and recalibrate your energy in alignment with the universal energies that are flowing around you. It actually gives us these beautiful four-week cycle that helps us go through more activity and being more out there to then moving through periods of rest and releasing anything that's not serving us and so on. Here's the thing, when I finally started moving away from that more traditional masculine model of working, which is striving, forcing and achieving and instead allowed my intuition, my feminine lunar cycles to guide me, that's when my launches really took off. Working with the moon cycles has really helped me become more present and to really connect with the natural rhythms of my body, my mind and my environment.
It serves as a reminder to follow that regular pattern of setting intentions, creating mindfully, offering my appreciation and releasing that which is no longer serving me. It also reminds me that this energy and the energy that we're all experiencing is in as constant state of ebb and flow. It's okay to slow down because the energy always returns. It's okay to have those moments of rest and relaxation, recuperation and so on, because there will always be another time that is abundant and activity oriented and you feel ready to go. So as business owners, the moon cycles actually represent a really huge untapped resource of nature-based energy which is often overlooked. When you understand the moon cycles and how to leverage them in your business, that's when you can create a lot more flow and ease. Here's the thing, you might be thinking, why on earth are we talking about moon cycles here?
If the moon has the power to create the ebb and flow of the oceans, tides, then it no doubt has the power to influence human beings, especially since we're made up of 60% water. The moon is influencing our emotions, our feelings, and our inner energy. It has a really deep and profound impact on how we flow, how we create, and how we release and let go. So, depending on the phase of the moon, different tasks and thought processes can be a lot easier or also sometimes a lot harder, which is why it's so important to consider the phase of the moon and how it affects you when you're making decisions about projects and launches in your business. As an intuitive entrepreneur staying in tune with these natural feminine rhythms, is going to be the thing that makes a big difference to your launches and the way that you feel day to day in your business.
Let's take a look at these four phases of the moon and then also what does it actually mean for you in your business? And we'll start with the new moon. So the new moon is when you look up in the sky and you can barely see the moon at all, in fact on right on the new moon, you cannot see it at all. In terms of how you might be feeling during this time, you might be feeling introspective, withdrawn. Maybe your energy is pretty low. But this is also a good time to retreat and to take time to rest because your energy is probably at its lowest for the month. So self care and rest is absolutely imperative and this is when you want to give yourself permission to really surrender to the energy of the new moon and enjoy that opportunity to, I don't know, sleeping, watch Netflix or maybe spend the day writing in your journal.
Now, when it comes to your business, the new moon is actually a perfect time to step back from your day to day work and review and reflect on the previous cycle that you've been through that four weeks since the previous new moon, and then start to set your intentions and goals for the following cycle. This is a good time to tune in to what's going on in your business, whether it's challenges, opportunities, wins and wisdoms, and you really want to be able to feel into the core essence of your business and get really present with its soul and then open your mind up to dream about what is possible. Now in terms of the next phase is the waxing moon. Now the waxing moon is when the new moon starts to become the full moon and day by day it appears to be getting bigger, and it represents really days two, three to 14 of the lunar cycle.
During the waxing moon, this is when you're likely to feel really inspired, creative, energized and productive. And you're more so in this action taking mode based on those intentions that you set at the new moon. So this is really the perfect time to expand on your ideas, outline your implementation plans, start new projects, and create new connections with people who can also support your vision. You might even be more open to speaking opportunities, new client relationships and collaborations with your peers, I find are generally know when it is the waxing moon because that's when my brain is on overdrive, especially as an entrepreneur. I get all of these downloads and ideas about how I can take the business forward on new opportunities that are opening up. This is when I'm in a really expansive mode. And I think as you become more aware of the moon cycles, you may also start to notice this in yourself as well.
All right, so then we get into the full moon. So that's one day where the moon is full of obviously and is at its absolute brightest and it's illuminated from the light of the sun. Now, it is a short but very intense time, and this is when your emotions can be running a high. You can also feel like this sense of fullness and abundance with the full moon. But sometimes the intensity of the energy can sometimes go a bit too far and then that's when you can feel overwhelmed and as if you're a bit in a crisis moment. [inaudible 00:10:40] to us. So on the positive side, the full moon is really a good time to be visible in your business, promoting your services and expressing yourself in a really authentic way. So with that new moon, you dreamed big, and then over those past two weeks he'd been working hard to turn those dreams into reality.
Now, with the full moon, it's time to put yourself out there in a really big way and share what you've been working towards. Then that way your impact is amplified by this extra lunar energy. Now this is also a time of combination. When all of those seeds of intention that you planted at the new moon come to fruition and all of your hard work is starting to pay off, so this is a good time to celebrate your wins and express your gratitude for what you've created. Now on the negative side, the full moon can represent a time of really high and intense emotions. So if you find that you get a little bit crazy on a full moon, then just give yourself permission to step away from the daily grind and especially social media and email. And that way you can be really present with your emotion and just feel the feels.
You may not be to make sense of what you feeling, but that's okay. It's just about being present with what's coming up for you. All right, let's move now into the waning moon and this is when the moon appears to get smaller. So it's that period between the full moon and the new moon. Now all of that intensity of the full moon starts to wash away, thank goodness and those emotions and the extra energy that you felt are released into the ether. So this is a really good time to release those things that are no longer serving you, so then you can actually make space for what's coming in the new moon for all of those new opportunities. Now I find, I generally know when it's the waning moon as well because I get into this crazy mode of like, I've had all this expansion through the waxing moon and then I get into the waning moon.
I'm like, what, clear my calendar. I'm not going to do this. Re prioritize everything. I get really focused on just what the essentials are. This is also really good time to declutter. Whether it's decluttering your home or it's decluttering your to do list, whatever it might be. Now in business, the waning moon is the best time to get your finances and your administration in order. It's also a good time to consolidate or finish your projects rather than start new ones. Tie up any loose ends and relieve yourself of any commitments or obligations that are no longer a fit for you or your business. So it can be a really highly productive period, especially if your goal is to clear the decks and get ready for that next new moon that's coming in. All right, so something that people ask is how do you know or how can you use the moon cycles to plan your next big launch?
It's really the million dollar question for the intuitive entrepreneur. Now here's the thing. As with most things, there's no one right way. For some the new moon might be perfect for launching a new product, but for others who might prefer to retreat into darkness at this time, it might be better to actually lay low. Then on the other hand, the full moon might be a really potent time so that you can be really visible and launch with a bang. But then for others, the energy of the full moon might actually be a little bit too intense and all the feel the feels come up. Now the other thing I want to be really, really clear about is this, launching at certain times during the lunar phases will not guarantee success. It will not guarantee success. So for example, if you're lacking a solid marketing plan or a high quality product or this something does not quite right in your launch plan, you're not going to create success just because you launched on the new moon or on a full moon and so on.
This lunar timing, it's really only just part of the picture. As with everything in intuitive businesses, you need to consider not just those intuitive elements, but also the business elements. So, for example, if the new moon falls on a public holiday, it may not be the best time to launch. Or if you've got customers who want to buy now, but then your new moon isn't till like 25 days away, then it might actually be smarter to launch now. So for me, I'm using the lunar cycles to guide my business planning, not dictate it. I love tapping into the lunar energy and aligning its cycles with my business cycles. But there are also times when I just move ahead with my plans regardless of where the moon is at, especially if the time is ripe to do so. So, let's take a look at their four phases again and this time, see what phases are good for different times of lodging.
With the new moon, again, it's that time to plant those seeds of inspiration and opportunity. This is a time that you want to dream big, feel into the vision of the business, do your creative brainstorming, plan and strategize inside of your business. But it's not normally the time to take action on those ideas. That usually comes in the waxing moon phase. So oftentimes I think a launch on the new moon, it's probably not something that most people will do, but usually wait like two or three days. So the new moon is great for putting in place your plans and getting ready, and then you might have on day two or day three, that's when things start to roll in terms of the launch. Now Ezzie Spencer, who's author of Lunar Abundance says this about launching on the new moon. It helps you to seed a longer term project, especially if you set an intention for how you want to feel.
If this is the case, you might launch on the new moon or maybe just the next day or two after it's passed. I think save the new moon. This is my opinion, save the new moon for dreaming, creative brainstorming and envisioning. Then you can use the waxing moon to continue working on your project and bringing it into action. All right, let's talk now about the waxing moon. This is my preferred time for launching. It's a highly creative and productive period. It's also when things are growing and expanding. It's a time when people are ready to take action. Having gone through that period of reflection and quietness, it's now like, kaboom, here we go. I typically plan my launch schedule around the waxing moon cycles. Not always, but I generally, I do use as a general rule, and I've found that it's been very helpful in terms of supporting our launches and being in that right energy vortex. 'Cause sometimes you can get a little bit like, gosh, superstitious about it, but I think in the end, as I said, this is very much about using it as a guide.
All right, sorry. Let's move on to the full moon. Now, if you want to launch in a really big way and be seen for your work, then the full moon may just be the perfect time to do so. It's a really good time to do more like short, intense launches that last just a few days. That way you can really commit to fully showing up and doing the work to put yourself out there. The only caveat with the full moon is that these time can be emotionally intense. Sorry, if you're a bit prone to stress and anxiety and freaking out, then you might want to avoid the full moon for a launch or if it's inevitable, then put a keep calm plan in place though that means lots of self care during the full moon and you'll launch. All right. Then we've got the waning moon.
Generally speaking, I would avoid launching during the waning moon because the energy at this time is more focused on releasing and letting go, resting and re-energizing for the next moon cycle. Your time is better spent during this phase on business maintenance and wrapping up any loose ends and getting organized and so on. Now the exception to this rule is if you're launching an offer related to releasing or letting go, maybe decluttering, letting go of extra weight, whatever it might be, organization like organizing things or even exploring like your shadow self. In those cases it might actually be very appropriate to tie a launch in with the waning moon and to do it in a really cool creative way. So that is completely up to you as to when you feel is the best time to launch your next product or program. But I would really encourage you to look at the moon cycles and think how does it align?
Really just feel into those cycles and let the energy of the moon guide you towards that most potent time for you, your business and your clients. Because working with those natural energies, it can really help you launch to flow smoothly and bring the results that you also desire. And remember, this isn't about letting the lunar cycles dictate your every move, especially when it comes to launching. It's just about tuning into the guidance that is available to you and making sound decisions for your businesses ultimate success. All right, so that is it for today. I hope that this episode has been very helpful for you.
Thank you for joining me for today's episode of the Intuitive Entrepreneur podcast. If you loved this episode, please leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. It helps to get the word out, and of course I read every single comment. If you want to discover how to plan your next big launch, using the cycles of the moon, makes sure that you download my free guide Lunar Launches. You'll find that over at brigit.me/lunar-launches. That's B-R-I-G-I-T.ME/lunar-launches. Now, these are the exact strategies I've used in my business to create six-figure launches time after time, and now you can use them too. You'll find it all inside of my free guide Lunar Launches over at brigit.me/lunar-launches. All right, that is it for now. I cannot wait to see you next time. Bye for now.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
- How to end the hustle and build a profitable business in a state of joy, ease and flow
- The different energies of each phase of the moon
- How to use the phases of the moon for specific activities in your business
- The best time to launch a new product or offer according to lunar cycles
- How I use moon cycles in my business
Resources and Links Mentioned:
- Lunar Abundance by Ezzie Spencer
- My free guide – Lunar Launches
Want to create a highly successful business that is deeply rewarding and fulfilling, whilst having a huge impact on the people that you serve? Then subscribe for more high-value conversations on the Intuitive Entrepreneur Podcast.
Much Love,