I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with intuitive entrepreneurs who are afraid to charge money, afraid to receive money, and who don’t even think it’s possible to create a business that stays in alignment and still makes money.
The truth about money, is that it is a very expansive energy. Money wants to grow. But it needs you to get out of the way and allow it to do its thing.
This episode will take you deep into how to really integrate your spiritual practices into your business, and create real, tangible results by embodying your highest level and opening yourself to receive.
My guest, Elizabeth Purvis, sees business as a manifesting tool and a conduit through which we can create our lives.
Elizabeth is a success mentor and teacher of magic and Universal Law to thousands of women around the world. She is the creator of Feminine Magic®, a modern, practical approach to ancient traditions that allow women to magnetize their deepest desires with certainty, including epic monetary results.
In this episode, you’ll hear about:
- How, in the early days of her online business, the goal of making $50k in 30 days shifted Elizabeth from a “wall of fear” to a field of possibility
- The number one rule when it comes to trusting your intuition
- Why many spiritual entrepreneurs have been tricked into thinking money is the root of all evil – and how to release yourself from this limiting belief
- The formula to manifest more money in your intuitive business – without selling your soul
Brigit: Welcome to the Intuitive Entrepreneur Podcast. I'm your host, Brigit Esselmont, intuitive business strategist and mentor. As the founder of Biddy Tarot, I turn my love for tarot into an abundant seven-figure business. The secret to my success, making intuition and strategy my entrepreneurial superpower. Now, I'm inviting you to do the same.
Brigit: In this weekly podcast, I'll be sharing advice, tools, and real life examples from some of the best intuitive entrepreneurs to show you how you can trust your intuition, align with your purpose, and create a positive impact through your work. Let's make it happen.
Brigit: Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Intuitive Entrepreneur Podcast. Today, I have special guest, Elizabeth Purvis, who is a success mentor and teacher of magic and universal law to thousands of women around the world. She's the creator of Feminine Magic, which is a modern practical approach to ancient traditions that allow women to magnetize their deepest desires with certainty, including epic monetary results. Through her metaphysical training programs, coaching and retreats, Elizabeth helps her clients to radically transform all aspects of their lives, relationships, lifestyle, career, business, health and, of course, income.
Brigit: Now, Elizabeth is also a priestess and practitioner of Western esoteric traditions for over 20 years. She comes with over a decade of online experience in the personal development industry. She's a master business coach, income breakthrough mentor, certified Akashic Records trainer, and certified master NLP practitioner. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their daughter who is wonderfully named Brigit, and even better with the exact spelling that I have for my name.
Brigit: Now, I followed Elizabeth for many, many years. I think I came across her work maybe in about 2011, 2012. I was really resonating with Elizabeth's very strategic marketing focus, but also a blend in the spiritual and metaphysical world. Elizabeth has a real talent for helping intuitive and spiritual entrepreneurs to really see their value, own their worth, and translate that in the physical realm through rapidly increasing their income.
Brigit: I invited her onto this podcast because, not only is she a very inspiring, magical woman, and you're going to hear that a lot through her journey about what she has created in her life and what's been truly possible for her, but also Elizabeth and I talk about making money as an intuitive entrepreneur, and doing it without selling your soul. Thank you very much.
Brigit: This is a really juicy conversation. You're going to probably hear things that you haven't really heard before. I know that I learned a lot by listening to Elizabeth today just hearing her perspective on how we've been kind of tricking ourselves out of being able to receive abundance and, now, being out of really welcome and create wealth in our lives as intuitive entrepreneurs.
Brigit: Without further ado, let me welcome Elizabeth Purvis.
Brigit: All right, so, welcome, Elizabeth. I'm super excited to have you here because I know we've got some juicy topics to talk about, so welcome.
Elizabeth: I'm so excited too. Thank you so much for having me. I just adore you, and so, so happy to be here. I've been looking forward to this, really.
Brigit: Fabulous. Now, you have been on the scene for a very long time. I remember receiving your email newsletters years ago. I want to hear a little bit about your journey, about where you started, and what got you to where you are right now.
Elizabeth: It's been over a decade now. I started in 2008. I officially quit my job at the beginning of 2007, and didn't really kind of find my way to the coaching mentoring space until early 2008. Then it was really early 2009 that things really got started. In those first two years, I sometimes refer to it as circling the drain. I quit my job, hit a wall of fear around money and security and like, "OMG, I actually have to create my income now," which is hilarious because it was like, "No problem." Until I actually did it, it was like, "Fine, it's going to be no big deal."
Elizabeth: At that time, there weren't the resources that there are now. There was a lot of stuff on marketing and client attraction for consultants. I shouldn't say a lot, like a little bit, but very little on how to actually close the deal. I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea what I wanted to do, which was also a problem because you're going to manifest something. There comes a point where you have to land the plane and say, "This is what I want."
Elizabeth: It was two years of real struggle and really kind of hitting up against my own internal walls. Then there came a moment, and it was in the very beginning of 2009, like January of 2009, where I just hit a wall because, by that time, I had been living off credit cards for at least a year.
Elizabeth: Just think about that for a sec. I was a six-figure engineer, okay? I've had all this money saved, and we burn through it because you don't know kind of what to spend your money on. Money is part of my journey, anyway, how to be with money and how to have a relationship with money as part of my journey. We burn through that, and then we were basically going into debt every month. I was just more and more in the tank.
Elizabeth: By the way, by that time, I had been teaching people in the marketing realm, and they were all making more than I was. I was teaching at that time. I was really focused on metaphysical consultants. I was one of the first marketing people to do that. Women, tarot readers would come in. They're like, "I'm making $1,000 a month," and I would get them to $5,000 a month reading cards. They were making more than me. That's hard to deal with.
Elizabeth: The thing that kept me from feeling like a fraud, because I never felt like a fraud... I never had that like, "Maybe I shouldn't be teaching people this," because I knew marketing. I knew it. Marketing has a lineage that exists outside of me. I wasn't teaching stuff for me. I was teaching very, very sound principles that require both execution and inner game to do.
Elizabeth: My clients, they were zipping along and, me, well, I'm like, "Blah..." Until, finally, I'm like, "I can't do this. I can't live like this anymore. This is not who I am." I hit a wall and it was one day in my kitchen. I was doing dishes, and I was like, "I'm not living like this. This is ridiculous." So, I made a decision. I was like, "You know what? I'm going to make $50,000 in 30 days."
Brigit: Love it.
Elizabeth: I'm like, "I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to do it." Part of that was a little bit of a pattern interrupt because I was so all in my boohoo and I just have to bring some lightness to this like, "Well, what if I could?" But I was also really clear like, "This is a turning point. I'm doing this, and I'm succeeding no matter what. Period." Then within, literally, just moments of making that decision, immediately I got the download as to the how, both from the spiritual perspective and from the manifesting perspective, and also like, "Well, I just got to ask people for money." That was kind of like the how. On the outside, I've never known anything about how to have a sales conversation, none of that, at that time or, no, a little bit. I had a little bit of that, but it was just like, "This is the path."
Elizabeth: I committed. I had some encouragement from my husband too. He was like, "Listen, you're a witch. Magic is just a lot of it or something." I was like, "You're right. You're absolutely right." I know how to like make stuff happen.
Elizabeth: Just within 30 days, I didn't make the $50,000 but I had booked 20k, which was more I'd made in all of 2017, and almost more than I had made in all of 2018. My tax return for 2018 was $28,000 or something. I just did that in sales in 30 days. Then that was it. I was like, "We're off."
Brigit: I think what's really important there is, where you've set the goal of 50k, it wasn't necessarily to reach 50k. You weren't in that place of, "Oh, I failed."
Elizabeth: No. Oh, my gosh-
Brigit: What it was my dream was holding a container, right, for this to happen.
Elizabeth: Yes. I'm so glad you mentioned that because there was something... and this is so important. I say this when I tell the story in my classes, sort of my before and after. There was something I did. I was so smart. I was such a basket case at the time and, yet, I was so smart to do this. I said to myself, "You know what? This just works." Similarly to the marketing staff, I was like, "You know, this just works." I've been a witch for 12 years, 13 years officially, and I know this stuff works and, on the marketing side, people are doing it. Instead of getting hung up on, "Is it going to work or not?" I assumed it would work. I assumed that if I didn't meet the goal, and this was really deliberate, if I don't meet the goal, it doesn't mean that it doesn't work, doesn't mean that I failed. It just means that I need more practice working the process.
Brigit: I think that's really important.
Elizabeth: I was like, "This is a process. Manifesting is a process." I'm a former engineer. In Feminine Magic, we do a lot of work around embodiment, and being the vibrational frequency and what does that really mean versus kind of pop law of attraction type of stuff. What does it really mean to be the frequency? I am very linear and very step-by-step. I had to teach myself how to do the quantum leaps because I'm very one foot in front of the other. So, I'm like, "There's a manifesting process. I'm going to download it right now." I sketched it out just in five minutes. "I'm going to follow this, and then I'm going to go find out how to have a sales conversation, throw an offer together, and ask people to work with me." That worked.
Brigit: It's fabulous.
Elizabeth: It's been working ever since. Essentially, everything in the business realm I have ever taught really gets back to that. There have been times where I have been like, "I can't do this anymore. I don't want to teach high-end," because I was one of the first mentors really teaching high-end and definitely the first that I know of to teach high-end to the spiritual crowd. There came a point where I outgrew how I was doing it, and I had to kind of put it down for a while. I saw business as a manifesting tool. I saw it as a magical tool, a way for us to create our own reality and a conduit by which we could create our life. Entrepreneurship became the path for me to really take the spiritual tools that I had spent all this time learning, put them into practice, and learn more, like learn stuff that I never learned in witch school. That's kind of it in a nutshell.
Elizabeth: You had mentioned how I've been around for so long, and that is true. You and I were talking before we got on the recording here. I'm going to share this. This is kind of vulnerable to share, but I'm going to share it because I know there are people, I heard, need to hear it. I did my first seven-figure year in 2015. That was a while back, but it's really taken me that whole time, between 2009 to maybe six months ago, for the whole thing to really come together and to drop in.
Elizabeth: Now, I always knew that the business side and the manifesting side were going to come together, but I couldn't figure out how. There was just a level of mastery I had to create myself, and a level of working through what I teach in order to end up here. I've seen like the Bridgits come along and make these big things, and I'm sitting here going like, "But I still kind of don't know what I'm doing even though I'm making lots of money."
Brigit: You know what you're doing, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I know. Well, what I mean by that is the offers, like what I'm here to do and what I'm here to teach. I'm very high quick start. I have made so much content over the years and, yet, there's so much of it that has been retired because I outgrow it very fast. That gets old and disheartening. I'm like, "Where's my body of work to show for the 10 years?" Of course, it's there but it's taken a while for all of those things to really, really come together. The reason why I feel like I was called to share this is because, first of all, everyone gets those "I don't know what I'm doing" thoughts even when they're 10 years in. It just takes time.
Elizabeth: I don't do regrets. I'm really clear I don't do regrets. But if I was to tell myself something different, I'll be like, "Just enjoy this process. Don't be in such a race to get to the finish line," which is very, very hard for a very hyper toward oriented, high options kind of person but, now, I'm really ready to just kind of take the next 20 years to deepen into what I discovered over the past 10.
Brigit: I think this is something that comes up particularly for intuitive entrepreneurs, where we are fully expressed through our business. Our business is often a reflection of our own personal growth and evolution. Because we're riding this wave of evolution, it can feel a little bit scary and you thinking, "Oh, this isn't quite in alignment yet. This isn't fully integrated." But it's because we're so hyper aware of that and so conscious, we can't just settle for like, "Oh, I'll just put this marketing product out there. It's good enough." We need to feel this full alignment with it. That does take time, as you said.
Elizabeth: It does take time. There's been many times on this path where I would be like, "It would be so much easier if I was just selling widgets," you know, if I was a physical products business, and I could be... I mean physical products, don't get me wrong, they have got their own set of immense challenges but, in terms of being so tied to it and having it be tied to your growth path in that way, it's a lot of inner mastery to not go down the rabbit hole. I haven't always done that.
Elizabeth: What I'm trying to say is there's plenty of rabbit holes I've gone down along the way. You know what? That's cool, too. I can open up my hard drive and see 10 years of stuff that I've created. Now, kind of what we're doing from this place is going through and going, "Whoop, whoop, whoop," and putting all the pieces together in this beautiful, in my view, very coherent, very aligned package, and better than anything I could have imagined back when I was like, "Oh, you want me to bring magic to the mainstream?" because I got that download too. I got the directive from the goddess herself like, "You're part of the movement to bring magic to the mainstream." I had very clear ideas about what that was. It's not that. What that looks for me is not that. Following what I thought it was going to be versus really tuning in and listening and allowing what it is going to be to come through, that probably added a good two years to my path. That's just how it worked out, and it's okay.
Brigit: That leads me in beautifully to my next question, which is, what do you believe is the intuitive entrepreneur and how are you experiencing your business as an intuitive entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: How I experience it now... and I've always been intuitive. Even when I didn't have words for it, I would talk about the voice in my head because, oftentimes, it does speak to me through words, which isn't the case for a lot of people but for like hyper kind of brainiac, go from the top down kind of person. I had several incidents in my early 20s where my intuition literally saved my life like, "Get off the couch right now." "Get off the subway platform right now," and then someone shows up with a gun, things like that when I was in New York.
Brigit: Everyone can relate to that, that time when they were on the platform, and someone showed up with a gun. Intense.
Elizabeth: I remember. It was very clear like, "Move, move. Get out, get out. Leave."
Brigit: Wow.
Elizabeth: I was sitting there with my boyfriend. My boyfriend, he was just hilarious because he's kind of mellow. The guy with the gun comes out, and they weren't brandishing it. They weren't waving it around at us. There was an argument between two people. My boyfriend took the time, turned to me, was like, "Okay, it's time to leave." But that wasn't the only time. There was another time where, and this is when I was in my early 20s, another boyfriend who lived on the Upper West Side, and he had this couch, this amazing, just comfy couch. He was out of town for the weekend or something. He was like, "Do you want to come up and stay on the couch?" just come up and sleep on the couch and watching TV, and whatever. This is like 1995 and '96 or '97 maybe because I had my cats at that time, my two black cats.
Elizabeth: The night that I was going to go up there, at like 5:30, just the very clear voice in my head, like "Do not go up and sleep on that couch. Stay." I looked at the cat. Cat's looking at me, there were two of them, and I was like, "I guess I'm staying here." I was asleep. At one in the morning, one of the boyfriend's friends called me and he said, "Were you at David's apartment?" because he was standing there. He was actually in David's apartment at one in the morning. He's like, "Well, have you been here today?" I said no. He said, "Well, the ceiling caved in right over the blue couch."
Brigit: Oh, I've got chills running through my body. Oh, my goodness.
Elizabeth: You have a couple of those experiences, and you're like, "You know what? Here's the rule: intuition's always right. I was just starting my formal magical studies at the time. Here's the rule: it's always right. I was just, around that time, learning tarot from a couple people in New York, Wald and Ruth Ann of the tarot school. They were really sort of my friend magical teachers because they have a very, very intense, very occulty type training course, and I'm a nerd for that stuff. It was really a call to me and there was no Biddy Tarot at that time. It was right there. I was really immersed in intuitive development on all kinds of different planes, and I just decided, here's the rule: intuition's always right.
Elizabeth: Sometimes, I go against my intuition because you know how that is. You know how that is, Brigit. You just don't want to believe it. You're like, "I so don't want this to be true. I don't want this to be right, so I'm going to do it my way." That's when the hilarity from the universe and the cosmic two-by-fours come crashing down.
Brigit: Do you have any example of that because I find it so interesting to hear about when we don't listen to our intuition, what happens?
Elizabeth: The first the question was, what is an intuitive entrepreneur? To me, it's someone who's really, really tapped in to that and doesn't question it. I'll offer that to your listeners. My invitation to you, if you choose to accept it, is just to stop the questioning because it really doesn't matter. The secret that Brigit may have told you is that it doesn't matter if you're right or not. That's actually kind of not the point. The information is not am I right or not. There's so much more information other than right or not. When we look at kind of that energetic imprint as a whole, we know what's right or not.
Elizabeth: A couple of examples... actually, I'll give you two. There was one I was thinking of before getting on here. Then there's the more recent one. Everyone's had a nightmare client, like a really nightmare client.
Brigit: Yes, many... no, not many.
Elizabeth: This person came in... right.
Brigit: Enough.
Elizabeth: I haven't had too many. I have really been blessed with the best possible clients for where I am right now. Clients kind of become nightmares when I don't have the frequency to meet them, and I've had lots of that. Right?
Brigit: Yes.
Elizabeth: This person, she reached out, she was one of my clients in 2013, the year that I had my kid. She went through the application process. I won't say what they were but they were things that were huge red flags, but she was very charming. She was able to create rapport. She was able to bond instantly. She could kind of morph and meet you where you were. I was like, "Yeah," and I took her on. It was a full-on nightmare. I won't go into the nightmare of it, like sort of the specific stories. I will say it's the only client I've ever had when my husband said, "This is coming into our home in a way that is not cool."
Elizabeth: Later, after it was all over, I met with one of my teachers. He's an NLP genius, but he's also in the mental health field. He was like, "Does she do this?" "Yes." "Does she do this?" "Yes." "Does she do this?" "Yes." "Does she do this?" "Yes." "Does she do this?" "Yes." Listed 15 of them. He said, "So over here, obviously, I can't diagnose her or say what it really was but she was showing signs of borderline personality disorder." I was like, "Yeah," and it was really, really damaging in many ways. Had I listened to myself, had I not been in a place of scarcity, needing the money, and all the things that we get to that aren't really true, I would just have like... or refunded her at the very first sign of shenanigans.
Brigit: I think the key there is "had you not been scarcity" because I think, oftentimes, when we're in a lack mindset, that's when we start to ignore our intuition, and we get into the kind of panic of, "Must make money. You cannot say no to your paying clients, even if I think it's not going to work out."
Elizabeth: Yes, scarcity will cloud your judgments. It's supposed to. Your critter brain is clouding your judgment all the time. Your intuition doesn't come from your critter brain, unless it does. Sometimes it does, but it's clouding your judgements.
Elizabeth: The second time, it really calls back to what we were talking about, which is before doing what I do now... so, now, I work with leaders, coaches, very ambitious women, mostly entrepreneurs, so coaches in the transformation space, coaches, healers, mentors, spiritual teachers. On the one hand, I teach them how to really use virtual tools to create maximum results. I'm very results focused. Even when I was learning magic as a witchlette in New York, I was always like, "How are we using this to make our lives better? How are we using this to create physical plane outcomes?" My manifesting stuff is very, very much focused on how to create real physical tangible outcomes by embodying your highest level. So there's, that's one piece of it.
Elizabeth: Then our more advanced people go on to work with me to learn how to take what I call their highest level transformation, and channel that into a series of offers that allows them to scale to $500,000 to $2 million, with the least amount of marketing hoo-ha available without webinars, without launches, without even sales calls if they don't want to get on phone, so they can fully stay in their magic. Because they're not doing all that other stuff, their profit margins are very high. That's how the two pieces come together. We work with these ambitious women to really create massive financial results.
Elizabeth: What was the intuitive hit that I ignored? Well, it was several. When the goddess said to me, "You're going to magic to the mainstream," I was like, "Oh, I'm going to be the Next Big Manifesting Teacher." That's what I thought that I was up to. I think I downloaded the first manifesting class in 2012, but it was 2015 that I really was like, "Okay, it's time." I did it. I did several of them in 2012. I kind of worked the material, and then I work with it behind the scenes with my clients. Then in 2015, "Okay, we're going to land the plane and make it the epic manifesting course ever in the history of anything."
Elizabeth: I always thought that that was the way magic to the mainstream was going to show up for me. I was going to intuitive healers. I was going to coaches and people who are doing family constellations on soulmate clients. Meanwhile, I was learning the Akashic Records at the time. Every single person or source of intuitive wisdom was like, "You got to work with the leaders. You're working with the leaders. By the way, you're working with leaders. Did we mentioned that you're working with leaders? Guess what, you're not meant to bring manifesting to the masses in the way that you think. You're working with leaders. By the way, you're working with leaders." I was like, "Nah... I want to make my manifesting course, and I want to make a huge. It's going to be the best thing ever. It's going to be big."
Elizabeth: For two years, I really dove into that. I talked about nothing but manifesting and money, and I was bored out of my mind because I wasn't working with leaders, because I wasn't really taking all of that and applying it to a context like scaling your business to seven figures without phone calls like high profit margins out the wazoo. It's for the magicians. It's for the coaches. I keep going back to the ones who were doing the magic. I have always admired, so admire women like you, Brigit, who are like, "I'm making the online courses and all the online courses." You rock. That shows a lot of that. Not my strong suit at all because I'm a magician, too. You can't take the coaching of the high level people out of me, and that was the intuitive piece that I was ignoring. I was like, "I'm just going to sit here and do manifesting courses. I don't get jazzed and I don't download new stuff unless I'm really working closely with really high level people. I did, and it really did. I'm not going to use the word set me back, but it added two years to my path because I was resisting that.
Brigit: That put the brakes on.
Elizabeth: Two years. At the beginning of last year, I got this download for our highest level transformation program. I was in the thick of trying to get this funnel up. I'm a marketer. I'm good at marketing. I'm really good at marketing. The funnel was making me insane. I was so just like, "I want to do this." I was talking to one of my clients turned colleagues, she said something, and it was like, "Oop, highest level transformation," and I was like, "Just sweep everything else aside." I was like, "I'm doing this, and I'm going to get back to the manifesting stuff. I'm going to allow myself to be in the mystery and see how this all comes together, but I have to do this," and I did. I was so much happier. I was so much happier and then, of course, everything on the manifesting side started to flow as well.
Brigit: That's the thing, isn't it? Once you kind of really look into what is in full alignment, everything starts to flow in such an easy way.
Elizabeth: Yes, and your intuition will tell you. It will tell you. Even when I was in resistance mode over the "you have to work with leaders," by that time, I was using the records and intuitive work to download my content. When I use the records to download my content, everything is easy. When I don't, it is not, and it went right back to stage one or step one like intuition's always right. Intuition is always right. It's just like release and surrender to that. Don't hold on so hard.
Elizabeth: Then I'll just say, I understand, sometimes we have to go through the path of holding on so hard. I know too there were other aspects of my growth that I wasn't quite ready to do what I'm doing now. There were aspects of my growth that just weren't quite there yet. Some of that two years was me bringing that all up into alignment too.
Brigit: Yeah, beautiful. I want to shift gears a little bit and talk about money and the intuitive entrepreneur because this is a topic that both you and I are-
Elizabeth: One of my favorite topics.
Brigit: ... passionate about.
Elizabeth: Yes, we are.
Brigit: I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with particularly intuitive entrepreneurs who are afraid to charge money, who are afraid to receive money, who don't even think it's possible to make a business that still stays in alignment and makes money. Elizabeth, I want to hear from you what's the resistance? What is going on in this world that our intuitive entrepreneurs can't charge money?
Elizabeth: Well, this was how it was explained to me. Of course, the sort of pat answer is subconscious programming, and it's true. The first thing is to realize that just collectively, our whole collective is in massive wounding about money. Massive. Cut yourself some slack. You know what I'm saying? You feel this way because, I'm about to tell you why, you really can let it go. Just cut yourself some slack spiritual community side because I have something to say about that. Our whole greater collective consciousness is in full-on wounding with money. That's a problem.
Elizabeth: For spiritual people, in particular, now, if we trace back, like, we have to look at these ideas: money is the root of all evil; money is bad and wrong; you can't be spiritual and still be a good person. These are ideas that came, and I'm being super hella general, but those are not your ideas. They are not the spiritual consciousness ideas. Those are ideas that were injected into the consciousness by people in power long, long time ago, long time ago, long, long. We can see this if we go back to the 1500s and the 1200s, and like, we go back and back. This is a long lineage of really conscious power suppression by way of money because what is the way to keep people under control is to control the money. This is kind of like 101. We see it in this day and age as well. Those ideas are not a part of the spiritual community, and I really came to look at them like that, like these are other. We have taken them on, but there are other because it's not true. It's not aligned with spiritual truth at all. I'll get to that in a second.
Elizabeth: The first thing is just to really, really realize that, as a spiritual collective, this is the part I really want you guys to hear, Brigit's audience, in particular, the spiritual community especially around women, made up of women, the healers and the witches, it's like we decided to take this on. We decided to take it on. Then, consciously or unconsciously, we also decided to create an agreement among ourselves that we weren't going to bust out of it.
Elizabeth: I started working entirely with the metaphysical community. It's the only people I want to work with. I wanted to work with astrologers. I wanted to work with the wooest people, the wooest of the woo. Now, a lot has changed since then. There has been a lot of consciousness elevation since then in many, many ways, which is cool to be a part of that. Back then, I had people who literally left my community when I started charging $10,000 for six months. They even told me, "You lost me. I'm out." This is a collective agreement. It's a lot of things. There's other reasons they could leave, right? I don't want to put it all on that. What I want everybody to hear is it's a collective agreement. Now, we can't charge more than blah. We can't. If you look at the indigenous communities and the shamanistic communities which I, frankly, straight up know nothing about. I just know what my clients share with me. What my client share with me over and over again is in those healer communities, especially, it's very, very strong.
Elizabeth: It's this agreement to stay small through money or it's an agreement that money equals this, and it's not true. It's not true from a spiritual perspective. I don't know if it's possible. I may have listened to that for two seconds from our people back in 2008. Here in 2019, examples of highly, highly, deeply evolved spiritual people making a lot of money are everywhere. They're everywhere. Just come into my communities. I've got shamanistic healers making $30,000, $40,000 a month. I have very, very woo-ho ascensionists charging $100,000 a client and getting it. These are women who... they care and they care hard. They are concerned. Their concern is elevating consciousness and shifting consciousness on the global scale. When I came into this in 2009, 2010, it was right after the economy crash, and there was all this conversation about the shift in consciousness. We're all talking about the shift in consciousness. Slowly, that kind of went away as we moved from this, yeah, we're shifting consciousness into the actual doing of it.
Elizabeth: Here, 10 years later, it's right here in our face. Shizzle is blowing up on the physical plane in really dramatic ways because we're in this shift in consciousness. There are a lot of really highly evolved healers that I know; they're allowing themselves to receive more money, so that they can make that happen. It goes well beyond the person sitting in front of you, and what your desires are and all that. Money and purpose are tied. If you need evidence, we've got tons and tons and tons of evidence. Whether you get it from my community or someone else's, I would really, really encourage everyone here to go find the evidence you need. You're sitting right in front of it, like you're on the podcast of one, right? Seriously, it's totally possible. So, those are two things.
Elizabeth: The third thing, which is actually probably the most important, is the truth about money. This is another really key piece. The truth about money. I want to give you a frame on money that you probably haven't heard before. Money is energy. I believe that. You'll hear these mentors sometimes be like, "People say money is not energy..." I am of the frame that money is absolutely energy. Everything is energy. Money is a very masculine energy. It is a very supportive energy. If we have any kind of wounded masculine stuff going on, there's that. It becomes a hotbed or rather the target practice for all of our projections. All of our stuff gets projected on money. Poor money is just sitting here, taking it all in, but it's also responding to that.
Elizabeth: Now, the truth about money. Aside from it being a very masculine energy and a very supportive energy is it's a very expansive energy. One of my mentors is a woman named Jennifer Longmore, who is a master Akashic Records teacher, also an eight-figure entrepreneur. So, there's another example. She's just off the chain. This is a woman... I will never forget this because I watched this happen. She was like, "Huh, I think I'm going to build a real estate empire. Records told me to build a real estate empire. Okay." The rest of the story is kind of hilarious. But then, literally, 10 months later, she had 20 million in real estate holdings.
Brigit: Oh, wow.
Elizabeth: That's how this human operates. This is amazing human. I remember her telling me this for the first time, and I kept coming back to it, "Money is a very expansive energy. It wants to expand. It wants to provide. When it really is, therefore, from the universal law perspective, it's the energy of more life." The first universal law is more life to all, less to none. Everything in the universe is seeking more life. We can hang our hat on that, right? More life. It's just like growth is the jam, and money is the energy of life. It's the energy. When your clients pay you, it's the energy of their life minutes. It's the energy of your life minutes when you pay out or you invest in something. It's very expansive. Money wants to grow. It wants to expand.
Elizabeth: If we tuned into the energy of money, money is awesome. It's just like, "Yeah, I'm here for you," but it's also kind of like... and I don't tend to anthropomorphize money all that much, but this is sort of useful. It's just like, "What is your problem?" Money's sitting here going, "Why are you projecting on stuff on me, and I just want to grow. I just want to grow and create more friends." You know?
Brigit: Yeah.
Elizabeth: That's the nature of money. It's not all the stuff that people in power, nameless, faceless kind of injected into our consciousness. It's not the agreements that we've made. It is the energy of life. Wallace Wattles, in The Science of Getting Rich, the book that inspired The Secret, he talks about this. He says at the very beginning of the first chapter is the right to be rich. He's like, "You can't have the kind of life you want, unless one is rich." My husband read that, and I watched him be as triggered as, "Oh, get out," right? He was a socialist, by the way.
Elizabeth: Wallace Wattles was a socialist, and there's a whole history of new thought that's connected with social change, which I just love. Wallace Wattles was one of those guys. He wasn't out there trying to teach entrepreneurs how to make billions. He was out there trying to show common people how to have more than their needs met. He was like, "This is the energy of this thing that we call money." We need it if we're going to be fully self-expressed, if you are going to... and this is why it's so, so important. For everyone, you can tell, I could just go on. It's like [inaudible 00:42:20], right? It's why I do what I do. It's why I do have this podcast.
Elizabeth: We cannot reach our full potential as coaches, healers, practitioners, change agents. We cannot do that if we're broke. I have clients who are making more than my brother who is a doctor, emergency man, and I know how much he makes because he told me. I asked him, he told me. Of course, he doesn't have the kind of expenses that we sometimes have to pay. But it's like my ascensionist just who channels [inaudible 00:42:57], I want her making seven figures a year at least because that's who she is, and that's how she can help her people. I want my naturopath who is teaching women how to break through their money blocks, the money blocks that show up in issues of the body. She's a former naturopath, a doctor. I want her making $500,000 because that's how she's going to make her impact.
Brigit: I think it's really important around making the money so that you can have that bigger impact because, if you don't have money, you can't invest it in the infrastructure that will help expand your reach and bring this stuff out in a really big way. If you're not accepting and receiving money, you stay in this state and this small space where you can only serve some people, then you hit burnout, exhaustion, and you can't do anything, right?
Elizabeth: This is another aspect of it, for me, personally. This is more of a personal thing. I got in to teaching tarot teachers because I was a tarot reader at one point.
Elizabeth: I am so passionate about magic. I'm so passionate about metaphysical work, just in the way that you are about intuition. Right, Brigit? Some of the reasons why we had these conversations, you're like, "I want to bring this out to the masses in this way because this is good stuff. This is stuff that can help people." It's one of the reasons why I wanted to work with the metaphysical community back in the day is because I want people paying thousands of dollars for tarot readings. You wonder why? Because tarot readings, the person who's carrying the frequency, has really worked on themselves, and is really operating at their highest level that they already are, it's worth thousands of dollars per person. That is only a good thing. It's only a good thing. It requires us to not just talk about the deeper work of magic which is embodying what I call our highest level or highest self, but really doing what it takes to do that, and do that every single day.
Brigit: If our listeners are hearing this and thinking, "Yeah, okay, yeah, I get it," what are some of the first steps that people can take to start to either remove the blocks or work that place where they are in a full receiving mode?
Elizabeth: I love it. This is how some people will teach you to do it. This is how I do it. It's okay. You actually need both at certain points, but here's the first step. A lot of times, people can get caught up in the blocks. I have to remove my blocks. I need to shift X, Y, Z. I need to move through P, D, Q. It's not like that's not true. We have subconscious programming, and the subconscious programming has to be removed. There's all or... I like to say shifted and transformed because it's all part of us. We don't need to push away anything. We just are changing it from one energy state to another. There's tons of modalities, tons, that can help with that. That's really important, too.
Elizabeth: Another thing that has actually shown to rewire your brain is to create a new experience. What I like to have people do is let's bypass the parts that are going to stop you. I have a program called Money Manifesting Formula, and this is what we do. Let's bypass all the parts that are going to stop you, and I'm going to show you how to go straight for your money goal. I'm going to show you how to choose the right money goal, so you're not stretching yourself so much that your critter brain starts flipping out and your subconscious starts creating all kinds of shenanigans, but let's go straight for the money goal.
Elizabeth: I mean when I started out as a coach, I just wanted to make $10,000 a month. That's a lot of money for a lot of people. You know what? Even as a seven-figure business owner, now, it's still a lot of money. It is very significant. Once I made the 10k the first time, which is about the amount of money and cash that came in with that first manifestation experiment, when I went for the 50k, it was 50k that I wanted, I got 20k booked, 10k in cash. Once I did that, something in my brain went, "I can do it again." I tried to do it again, failed; tried to do it again; did it a little, got 20k in cash the next time.
Elizabeth: Believe me, there's definitely been times where I've gone backwards. You know what I mean? There's up and down, and up and down. That's been part of my path. It's like up, hang out a little bit, reorient, up, hang out a little bit, reorient. You do that by doing it. In the process of doing it, the stuff that you need to heal on a deeper level comes to the surface. Then you do what it takes to go heal that stuff. When you see in the eyes, the stopping point, when you see the story or hear the story that you're telling yourself, like you really understand what the issues are, you go do that while you're going out making money. You're doing kind of both at the same time.
Brigit: Yeah, I really like that approach because, I think, sometimes the trouble around working on the blocks can sometimes be like a procrastination technique.
Elizabeth: Total procrastination. [crosstalk 00:48:40] Turn yourself into a project. I've got all these blocks. I got to get through them all.
Brigit: Got to do all of those. Can't start anything until those blocks are fully removed. As you say, they get removed through the process of working towards the thing that you want.
Elizabeth: They do and you have to hit it from both sides. I lived this very, very much so a couple years ago, when I was in this kind of limbo between shutting down business coaching is how I was going to do it, not quite dropping into how we do it now, and kicking off manifesting. I was on a very intense healing journey with my husband around attachment, for those of you who know. We have conflicting attachment styles and was causing all kinds of drama. It wasn't just causing drama with him, it infiltrated into every part of my life. When I saw that, I was like, "I'm not having this." I draw the line in the sand, and I'm not having it. I did all kinds of brand new wiring. We did therapy. We did all this. It all worked, by the way, right? At that time, I was running a seven-figure business, and I was basically in fight or flight mode 24/7 for a period of about six months.
Elizabeth: There was no hiding under the covers. I had people who I had to pay. You know how that is, Brigit. We have this little thing called payroll. I have people who are my clients who are counting on me. Every day, I wanted to go hide under the covers, just go away, and do my work. Not an option. I remember it was so hard to stay in the room. It was so hard. I just felt like, "Oh, my gosh, I'm not going to get through this." But you know what? Six months later, there was the first opening, like, "Oh, my gosh, I can't feel that thing anymore." I can't even generate this feeling in my body that was causing all kinds of problems. Then there was the next, "Oh, my gosh," like we can't even kind of go back to the old way because the new way is baked in so much.
Elizabeth: Now, four years down, it wasn't like brain on fire every day for the past four years. It was brain on fire when I was doing a certain kind of rewiring work, and then with my husband because the thing about attachment styles is it puts you against each other. So your nervous systems get all flared up, basically.
Elizabeth: We had to learn how to deal with that. There was no doing that by hiding out. I believe and just what I've heard from other practitioners who work with clients on this is that we did in a fraction of time what it would take most people two or three times when it was taking us. The reason why is because didn't hide, stayed like in the discomfort the whole time, running my business, and doing the thing.
Brigit: I'm so glad we talked about money.
Elizabeth: Yeah, so important.
Brigit: It's going to resonate with so many people. It's a message I think we need to keep hearing day after day after day, and just reinforcing its new possibility.
Elizabeth: I just want to say to everybody, through this process, one of the most important pieces is to love the shizzle out of yourself. Love the shizzle out of yourself. Do your best to stay out of nonjudgment. You're a human being. You're like a deity having a human experience. It's hard. I want to acknowledge that it is very hard to take action and still be uncomfortable, I get it. Number one, that's the pill you got to take. Number two, it gets easier. It gets so much easier. Number three, just really hold yourself with a lot of grace and gentleness as you're doing it because, you know what, just the fact that you're doing it is awesome.
Brigit: Awesome advice. Elizabeth, just as we wrap up here, what's coming up for you over the next 12 months because you are a pillar of growth and transformation. I'm so excited to hear what's coming up for you.
Elizabeth: Over the next 12 months, I am really... and it's a different paradigm. I'm usually in hyper creation. I've got to figure out the next thing to figure out the next thing. But as I said, it's dropped in. We have a program called Highest Level Manifesting, formerly the School of Manifesting. We're going to launch that live later this year. Then we're doing all the evergreeny stuff. I am really ready to blow the lid off the cauldron with that. It's finally at a spot where, in addition to the stuff I do with leaders, I will be on more podcasts like this one talking about manifesting. We've got that.
Elizabeth: Then we have our program called Highest Level Transformation, which is where we show coaches, practitioners, healers, mentors, teachers, spiritual teachers how to take the soul of the work that they're meant to do, and package it in a way that they create off the chain income. You want to know what? The lower, the better people in there. I want the [inaudible 00:53:58] people. I want them. I want the astrologers because there is a way that we can package what you do. You have to be open to it. But anyway, those two programs are our two sort of frontend offerings.
Elizabeth: Over the next 12 months, I just want to double down and get those into the hands of more people. I have all kinds of other stuff I want to create. I was told to create a mystery school, that sounds like fun, a while ago. That's going to take a little while. I thought I had already have done it by now. That was kind of part of what I thought the vision would be. There's so many people with incredible mystery schools now. In any case, those are the two things I'm really going to be focusing on in the next 12 months. Learning how to do that because it's your mastery project, Brigit, learning how to do that from a place of ultimate leverage and multiplying not because I want to take myself out of the business, I don't, but because I want create a community where the more, the better. I want to create highest level transformation to be a program that has 500 people in it at a time. It's better that way. People get more value out of that, than in a small group as it is now.
Brigit: Love it. What new aspect of yourself, do you feel that you are starting to express and particularly as you step into these next 12 months?
Elizabeth: I would say I'm just really owning it. I took a group of women to Egypt, a lot, at the end of last year. I took a woman to Egypt in like September, October. I've been a magical practitioner for many years. There's this real aspect of Egyptian magical systems. Everyone there was calling the Isis pretty much the whole time. I feel like Isis. I feel like I'm a part of her, and she's told me that. She's told me many times like, "Get over yourself. This is who you'd be." Of course, there are many other Isises out there. I'm not the only Isis. But she's just like, "This is the thing, and it's time for you to just not make any apologies about it." I've done that in so many ways until now. Now, there's no question in terms of my confidence as far as what I do, and the results that we create. That's really fun.
Elizabeth: When someone comes into highest level transformation, there's no doubt in my mind, it doesn't even enter into my mind that they wouldn't get the result or highest level manifesting for that reason. You're here, you're going to get the result. Do the work, you're going to get the result. That's a really fun place to be. I'm happy you rock in that, you know.
Brigit: I love it. I mean it.
Elizabeth: I want to model that for other leaders because the thing is that, for the women we work with, that's also true. It's not just me. It's like when you come into something like HLT, you're at that spot or you know what, enough of this. I don't get the results for people what's going to happen. Let's get into reality about what's already true.
Brigit: Awesome, awesome. Elizabeth, where can people find out more about you?
Elizabeth: You can go to femininemagic.com. My company is called 7-Figure Goddess, but we operate under the name Feminine Magic. At femininemagic.com, you will see a free gift that I have for you. It's called the Four Manifesting Tools. I love magical tools. I'm surrounded by crystals right now. But these are the four tools that you have inside you that allow you to create anything you want. People just love at that training. It's a really, really great introduction to what we do. I would recommend people go there, download that, and come on into our world.
Brigit: Awesome.
Elizabeth: See you there.
Brigit: Thank you so very much, Elizabeth. Today's conversation has been super yummy, super juicy.
Elizabeth: Agreed.
Brigit: It's so good just to hear more about your experience because you are someone who has been in this space for a considerable length of time. I think there's a lot behind that and a lot to really value and honor in that process. Thank you for sharing your story.
Elizabeth: Thank you. I really received that. I've seen it. I've seen the arcs that people have gone through, and the consciousness shifts that the industry have gone through. Thank you. Appreciate that.
Brigit: Awesome. All right. Thanks, Elizabeth. Good job.
Elizabeth: You bet sweetie. I've got to go. I got to take care of my kiddo. That was awesome. Thank you very much. I just was an awesome interview.
Brigit: Thank you for joining me for today's episode of the Intuitive Entrepreneur Podcast. If you love this episode, please leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. It helps to get the word out and, of course, I read every single comment.
Brigit: If you want to discover how to plan your next big launch using the cycles of the moon, make sure that you download my free guide Lunar Launches. You'll find it over at brigit.me/lunar-launches. That's brigit.me/lunar-launches. These are the exact strategies I've used in my business to create six-figure launches time after time and, now, you can use them too. You'll find it all inside of my free guide, Lunar Launches, over at brigit.me/lunar-launches.
Brigit: All right, that is it for now. I cannot wait to see you next time. Bye for now.
Links and Resources Mentioned:
- Giveaway for Intuitive Entrepreneur listeners – The 4 Manifesting Tools
- Feminine Magic website
- Elizabeth on LinkedIn
This episode is an absolute must-listen if you want to learn how to create an abundant financial life through your business, and stay in complete alignment with your soul. Tune in now.
Much Love,