It was a hot afternoon on the South African plains and we were out in the beating sun. We were watching a herd of 30+ elephants including a few mama elephants with their adorable babies, drinking at the waterhole.
Suddenly one of the males trumpeted loudly – we could see a group of African wild dogs on the horizon, running towards the herd. The elephants didn’t like it. Sure, they were 100 times larger than the dogs, but they clearly didn’t want to just hang about while these dogs invaded their territory.
Within seconds, the herd of elephants started running, dust flying up everywhere.
I turned to my friend Adrienne Dorison, another female entrepreneur making magic in the online world, with a look of shock. “Adrienne! They’re coming right for us!”
I was petrified – was this meant to be happening?
But mixed amongst the fear was this crazy wild excitement.
What was this life I had created?!
In a flash, I took it all in.
Here we were, a group of seven highly successful female entrepreneurs in an open-air Jeep, on a private safari reserve in the middle of Africa, with 30 elephants storming toward us.
What’s more, it was Halloween and we were all dressed up in these wild costumes – a mermaid, a bee, a unicorn and a gothic fortune-teller (guess which one I was?!).
And to top it all off… Richard Branson was sitting in the front of the Jeep in a green Peter Pan outfit. Yes, the real Richard Branson.
It wasn’t by accident. I had worked incredibly hard to be here. Everything I was experiencing in this moment was a result of the actions I’d taken over my lifetime as an entrepreneur.
And it was then I had the magical realisation:
“WOW… if I can create this, I can create anything!”
I came home from that 10-day trip to South Africa absolutely buzzing. I was filled with a new energy that reminded me of my fullest potential.
So, my friend, what is possible for you? If you put in the work and make it happen, what can you create? And could it be beyond your wildest dreams?
Much Love,